Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Our Mother the one who carried us for 9 months

How many times have we been here? Our mother calls us and we are so engrossed in some useless activity to realise her needs. What a waste of a good opportunity to earn the pleasure of Allah! To truly achieve emaan we must really work hard. This means to strive and struggle against our nafs (self), Our nafs is lazy, our nafs is impatient and our nafs is easily annoyed. We really have to tame our nafs otherwise it could lead us down a very dark road.

Abu Huraira reported that a person said: Allah's Messenger, who amongst the people is most deserving of my good treatment? He said: Your mother, again your mother, again your mother, then your father, then your nearest relatives according to the order (of nearness).


This is not talking about other people this is talking about you and talking about me.  From this Hadith we can see the sheer weight placed on the kind treatment and obedience of ones parents.  Subhanallah.  Our mothers are priceless gifts to earn the bounty and mercy of Allah from.  So lets make the effort to be nice to our mothers and fathers.  Spend time with your mum,  talk to her about things that interest her and don't just ask her what time dinner is.  Your mother has a right on you as do all your family members.



All praise and worship is for Allah alone.  The master of the throne, the Everlasting the self subsisting.
Abundant peace and blessings be  on his final messenger Muhammad (SAW)

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Relax - be constant and don't overdo

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 76, Number 472:
Narrated 'Aisha:
The Prophet was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few." He added, 'Don't take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability."

This Hadith is such a mercy from Allah the most kind. If we reflect on this hadith, the divine wisdom just feels right in every way possible.  You have reached your standing point, you have turned over a new leaf you approach all acts on worship at the same time with enthusiasm and vigor. You fast, you pray the voluntary prayers you give abundant charity and increase in helping others..... but then after like the third day running on 3 hours sleep you start to falter and cut back on your deeds to the point you are actually doing less than when you started!!!
This situation is like one who spends all his monthly pay cheque in the first week and lives on loans and hand outs for the rest of the month. 
And it is a situation many of us new to the deen or coming back to Allah the exalted go through.  

Do deeds, but do them perfectly following the sunnah and remain constant and patient. Do what is within your capability like the hadith says

'Don't take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability."

Don't enroll onto every class at the madrassa choose one at a time and stick to it. Dont fast continuously to the point you make yourself sick. Don't pray continuously neglecting your parents, family and wider obligations. DO pray for part of the night and ask the most high to help you and re establish your relationship with your creator.  Take the middle road, take time and be constant.


The Prophet was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few."

If you start to make a habit of fasting on the sunnah days be regular and try and stick to it building up gradually untill you achieve your goal of being constant. If you are not praying the witr prayers make a concerted effort with yourself to pray them every night. If you are not praying all your prayers on time mould yourself into praying them everyday on time. If you are not praying try hard to start praying.

We are all made differently from different soil.  And people are at different levels, the wisdom, which I can understand now I couldn't 5 years ago.  Make your intention and put your hand to the task and ask Allah to help you no matter where you are in your deen.  remember Allah says he is with the patient

2:153 O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.


Sunday, 3 June 2012


You have been on the deen striving hard to make those much needed changes.  AND THEN,  you slip back to your old ways sometimes even worse than before.  You go back to the sin that had a hold over you for so long.    You go back to the crowd that you used to roll with that were into that bad deed.  We are only human.  We were created weak.  Allah says (4:28).

"And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak."
SO you see Allah already knows that we will make mistakes, but what he loves is when you make a mistake and come back to him.  (4:27)

Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation.

so it is amazing how these two ayat are connected.  And how he the exalted mentions that he wants to accept your repentance before he tells us we were created weak.  So if we reflect on this Allah the all merciful is always ready to accept our repentance.  Allah the most forgiving in his infinite knowledge knows that we are weak because we are created that way.

How glorious is Allah! 

Allah also mentions those who follow their desires, who don't want you to change, they want you to stay with them, they want you to deviate from the path you have chosen

SO You have to be steadfast.  

I sometimes compare  the righteous ones to the fish swimming up stream.  Already the current is against them, not only that but the other fish are taking the easy road and going down stream but the determined fish continues to swim and swim sometimes expiring themselves in the process,  May Allah make us of the ones that strive.

This said you have to be sincere in your repentance and in your heart want to change.  It is never easy to change and stay changed but if you are sincere and keep trying you can expect the help of allah!!!! and remember:(3:156) 

"It is Allah Who gives life and death and Allah sees well all that you do." 


ask Allah to help you with your hijrah.  Surely Allah is most forbearing most forgiving.

Ok so you made a mistake don't let it get you down and don't let the Shaytaan trick you into not coming back to your lord.  Check Ustadh Nouman Ali khans lecture on one of the tricks of the Shaytaan.

May Allah accept our towbah(repentance) Ameen ya Rabil Alameen.