Sunday, 22 July 2012


I thought I would share some productivity advice for ramadhan courtesy of productive muslim.




These are a great series of short animations to remind us of the purpose of ramadan and avoiding ill practices.

May Allah Accept and forgive the brothers and sisters who produced these videos



All praise be to Allah the lord of all that exists, the Sustainer, the All Merciful, All Forgiving one.  Glory be to him the creator of the heavens and the earth.  And abundant peace and blessings be on his messenger (saw)

The most inspiring and heart warming thing when coming back to Allah, is his mercy.  The mercy of Allah is unimaginable.  We have to hope that whatever we do or have done Allah will forgive us.  We have to expect mercy because we cannot turn to anyone else.  Allah is the Muslims refuge we seek refuge in him from his punishment.  The above talk mentions  the companions (RA) and their understanding of the boundless rahmah of Allah.  Abu taweel ra who left the prophet (SAW) making takbeer after being told that Allah will forgive all sins.  Allah forgives and forgives and forgives.   THIS IS HAQQ in surah Az zumar Allah says clearly he "forgives all sins"

How amazing is the mercy of Allah.  

So never get bogged down in thinking what you have done is too bad.  We are human we make mistakes Sometimes the same mistake over and over again.   A few points that Sheikh Hesham made in his talk, I would like to highlight are:
1) Allah's mercy is boundless Allah was willing to forgive firaun, the biggest tyrant the world has ever seen, who murdered  new born children and who enslaved a whole nation.(20:44)  So if Allah was willing to forgive Firaun we definitely have a chance, if we reflect on this for a second it is so re assuring. 
2) Don't Delay in Repentance As soon as you commit a sin immediately remember Allah and ask him to forgive you
3) Don't try and rationalise and justify your sin   too many times we add a but after the admission of a sin to ourselves.  We should understand when we sin we are in the wrong and it is just one battle we have lost in the war against shaytaan and our nafs.  It is not "who we are" it is a temporary situation we have the power to change, with the help of Allah.
4)Take the sin seriously
 "A believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain which he is affraid may fall on him, whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing over his nose and he just drives them away like this (and he moved his hand over his nose in illustration)." [Ibn Mas'ud]
5)Follow up with a good deed  if you commit a bad deed immediately follow up with a good one.  The Prophet (SAW) said
"On the authority of Abu Dharr Jundub ibn Junada and Abu Abdul Rahmaan Muaadh ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with both of them) from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who said, Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards people."[Tirmidhi]
This month is the month of Mercy so turn back to Allah the most high and ask him to forgive us.  Please remember me in your dua's.

Friday, 20 July 2012


I would just like to wish every one Many Many Happy Returns on the arrival of this blessed month may Allah Accept from us and from you.

Abu HurairaI heard Allah's Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, "Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven [Bukhari, Book 32 no: 226]  
Brothers, sisters lets try and make the most of this month with sincere prayer and supplications.  One huge step towards the hijrah of the heart is to leave the things that Allah does not like for the sake of Allah the exalted alone.   Out of love and fear for him you fast in these hot summer days and we pray in the night sacrificing our sleep.  Prayer is a great way to re connect with Allah the all hearing.
“Oh you who believe! Fasting has been ordained upon you as it was ordained upon those before you, that you may attain Taqwa (God-consciousness)” (2:183).
If you can focus on the biggest thing you want to change about your self in this month and really strive to change in this month.  Allah will surely make the path easy for you to remain steadfast  for example by fasting and striving hard we know we can attain the taqwa that will propel us forward as Allah tells us in the verse above   

All praise be to Allah the most High



Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Our Mother the one who carried us for 9 months

How many times have we been here? Our mother calls us and we are so engrossed in some useless activity to realise her needs. What a waste of a good opportunity to earn the pleasure of Allah! To truly achieve emaan we must really work hard. This means to strive and struggle against our nafs (self), Our nafs is lazy, our nafs is impatient and our nafs is easily annoyed. We really have to tame our nafs otherwise it could lead us down a very dark road.

Abu Huraira reported that a person said: Allah's Messenger, who amongst the people is most deserving of my good treatment? He said: Your mother, again your mother, again your mother, then your father, then your nearest relatives according to the order (of nearness).


This is not talking about other people this is talking about you and talking about me.  From this Hadith we can see the sheer weight placed on the kind treatment and obedience of ones parents.  Subhanallah.  Our mothers are priceless gifts to earn the bounty and mercy of Allah from.  So lets make the effort to be nice to our mothers and fathers.  Spend time with your mum,  talk to her about things that interest her and don't just ask her what time dinner is.  Your mother has a right on you as do all your family members.



All praise and worship is for Allah alone.  The master of the throne, the Everlasting the self subsisting.
Abundant peace and blessings be  on his final messenger Muhammad (SAW)

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Relax - be constant and don't overdo

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 76, Number 472:
Narrated 'Aisha:
The Prophet was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few." He added, 'Don't take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability."

This Hadith is such a mercy from Allah the most kind. If we reflect on this hadith, the divine wisdom just feels right in every way possible.  You have reached your standing point, you have turned over a new leaf you approach all acts on worship at the same time with enthusiasm and vigor. You fast, you pray the voluntary prayers you give abundant charity and increase in helping others..... but then after like the third day running on 3 hours sleep you start to falter and cut back on your deeds to the point you are actually doing less than when you started!!!
This situation is like one who spends all his monthly pay cheque in the first week and lives on loans and hand outs for the rest of the month. 
And it is a situation many of us new to the deen or coming back to Allah the exalted go through.  

Do deeds, but do them perfectly following the sunnah and remain constant and patient. Do what is within your capability like the hadith says

'Don't take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability."

Don't enroll onto every class at the madrassa choose one at a time and stick to it. Dont fast continuously to the point you make yourself sick. Don't pray continuously neglecting your parents, family and wider obligations. DO pray for part of the night and ask the most high to help you and re establish your relationship with your creator.  Take the middle road, take time and be constant.


The Prophet was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few."

If you start to make a habit of fasting on the sunnah days be regular and try and stick to it building up gradually untill you achieve your goal of being constant. If you are not praying the witr prayers make a concerted effort with yourself to pray them every night. If you are not praying all your prayers on time mould yourself into praying them everyday on time. If you are not praying try hard to start praying.

We are all made differently from different soil.  And people are at different levels, the wisdom, which I can understand now I couldn't 5 years ago.  Make your intention and put your hand to the task and ask Allah to help you no matter where you are in your deen.  remember Allah says he is with the patient

2:153 O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.


Sunday, 3 June 2012


You have been on the deen striving hard to make those much needed changes.  AND THEN,  you slip back to your old ways sometimes even worse than before.  You go back to the sin that had a hold over you for so long.    You go back to the crowd that you used to roll with that were into that bad deed.  We are only human.  We were created weak.  Allah says (4:28).

"And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak."
SO you see Allah already knows that we will make mistakes, but what he loves is when you make a mistake and come back to him.  (4:27)

Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation.

so it is amazing how these two ayat are connected.  And how he the exalted mentions that he wants to accept your repentance before he tells us we were created weak.  So if we reflect on this Allah the all merciful is always ready to accept our repentance.  Allah the most forgiving in his infinite knowledge knows that we are weak because we are created that way.

How glorious is Allah! 

Allah also mentions those who follow their desires, who don't want you to change, they want you to stay with them, they want you to deviate from the path you have chosen

SO You have to be steadfast.  

I sometimes compare  the righteous ones to the fish swimming up stream.  Already the current is against them, not only that but the other fish are taking the easy road and going down stream but the determined fish continues to swim and swim sometimes expiring themselves in the process,  May Allah make us of the ones that strive.

This said you have to be sincere in your repentance and in your heart want to change.  It is never easy to change and stay changed but if you are sincere and keep trying you can expect the help of allah!!!! and remember:(3:156) 

"It is Allah Who gives life and death and Allah sees well all that you do." 


ask Allah to help you with your hijrah.  Surely Allah is most forbearing most forgiving.

Ok so you made a mistake don't let it get you down and don't let the Shaytaan trick you into not coming back to your lord.  Check Ustadh Nouman Ali khans lecture on one of the tricks of the Shaytaan.

May Allah accept our towbah(repentance) Ameen ya Rabil Alameen.

Monday, 21 May 2012

My Dear Brother.....


What ever you have done, however bad you may think you are,  however much you think you have no chance to change.  If you turn to Allah with sincere repentance 

Allah will turn your bad deeds into good ones. [Surah Al-Furqan 25:70] 

I know it seems you have done the most horrible unforgivable thing.  But the fact you feel like this means your heart is still alive.  So don't give up hope.  Dont let the shaytaan trick you into thinking there is no way back.  As long as the shaytaan doesn't give up trying to mislead you don't give up on making tawbah to the most merciful and trying to change.  It is so hard, you feel like the your world is squeezing you and your nafs is inclined to give in to your desires,  I know Akhi.  I know.  Just hang in there. Remember the words of The most forgiving:

Say: O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah az-Zumar 39:53)


Also Lets be merciful to one another, instead of scolding one another, bad mouthing and exposing each others sins.... Let us help and encourage one another and hide each other's sins.

Narrated Jarir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind."


All praise and glory be to Allah the creator, the sustainer, the enricher, the afflictor, the most merciful, the most forgiving, the All seeing the All knowing.

And abundant peace and blessings be on his slave and messenger Sayeedna, Habinah, Mustafa Muhammed Sallalhu Alayhi wa salam.


Saturday, 12 May 2012


Ok so you have analysed yourself you have reached your standing point (or at least thought about it).  Now you have a short time frame to act.  The shaytaan is your sworn enemy and he knows you could slip from his clutches so be sure he will be calling you to give up before you even start.   Come up with a simple plan for a deed or a course of deeds that are realistic and achievable and get cracking.

What you want?
When you want it done by?

Goals are dreams with a time limit so.....


Today is all we have, Allah swears by the time of asr,

"by the time"

The word Asr in arabic comes from the root "aseer" to squeeze or squeezing.  Traditionally this was the part of the day with real hustle and bustle because everyone was rushing to get their work done before the darkness and hence danger of night took hold.  So we can understand Asr as the squeezing of the day, the final part of it.  If we view the journey of our souls this time, this 'Asr', is what we are living now.  Death is around the corner and until we realise this, we will not really internalise this fact.  We are in a state of emergency, this is the part of our existence that we really have to work in before the darkness of death overcomes us.

...."And say (O Muhammed) 'Do Deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and [so will] His Messenger and the believers.'.....(9:105)

You should contemplate on the shortness of life and how much you can do each day, so the time for action is now.  However small your acts of worship are, don't think they will not be seen by Allah.  Allah sees all that you do.


"The importance of action is paramount - whether the act be a word, a character trait, or a physical action - it is important to bring out into the external world that good which is swimming within your complex internal world - to guide the outer through the inner. Those whose intentions are low, base, crude, and destructive work day and night to manifest their acquisitive, grasping intentions and ambitions in the world - why should those who seek the opposite leave it sleeping within themselves. "

" to impact the human and societal environment in positive, beneficial ways arising from what is best within oneself. Find what is best within yourself..."
Irshaad Hussain - Islam from the inside

Some people even take a momentous U-TURN, a leap of faith and go after their biggest goal straight away.  It depends on you, how much can you take? how much can you handle?

Do not restrict yourself, you can be better than you think because imaan is an achievable target and once you achieve some of it you will be thirsty for more.


You need to internalise this and ponder the creation and the glorious quran and get moving make a start today.  IF you have not raeached your standing point yet and don't have a  fear of allah, it is because you don't really know and understand who he is?  This is a disease of the heart that you are suffering, so you must take action and not wait another minute because death is closer than you think so read his book, ponder the creation and sincerely make dua.

How much do you want to avoid Hell fire?  How much do you want to taste the sweetness of faith that fills the heart with such serenity and peace that contentment and security is all you feel.  How much do you want to leave those evil deeds and how much do you want to be obedient to your creator?  The one that provides for you and maintains your health.  The one who created you and gave you the blessed gift of life.  The one who will take your life away and the one you will have to answer to for all you have done.  And the one that rewards with palaces with water features :)


a good way to set goals and unleash your potential can be found here in a speech by tony robbins.
I tried the brainstorming it was great,  it really helped me to bring out goals I never knew I had.

All praise be to Allah alone!

Thursday, 3 May 2012


One of the steps to making the Hijrah of the heart, is forging a personality through positive habits. Changing from who you are, to ALL YOU CAN BE. Seizing the reigns of your life and making conscious changes to your regular behaviors will alter your physical, mental and emotional state. You have to make the change and Allah the Enricher will do the rest. Purify your intentions and make a habit of performing good deeds often. No matter how small they may be, BE persistent. For it is this persistence, which will aide you through the hardest parts of your change. A skill that has been consistently observed in champions is the "IRON WILL" PERSISTENCE. When unsuccessful they change their approach many times but they do not give up on their goal [tony robbins]. It is this small step, which will lead you down the path of a champion Insha'allah may allah give us the tawfeeq to be of the foremost in deeds and of the doers of good. 

(JZK to the uploader)

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa salam) said: "There is no prayer more difficult to attend for hypocrites than Fajr and 'Ishaa. And if they knew what they contain (i.e. good reward) they would attend them even if they had to come crawling."

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Who is the happy One?

This is a really good description of happiness. Something I hadn't reflected on the way Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee does here.  A perpetual form of happiness that grows rather than stagnates.  Originating from the most beautiful of feelings.  What a beautiful thing.  

MUN HUWA SA'EED? (who is the happy one)

Sunday, 29 April 2012

You Choose

The choice and the decision can sometimes be the most difficult thing.  Sometimes you will shy away from the decision in fear of disappointment.  The fear of failure.  But when you make the right choice you will know.  This video made me very emotional because I know how the brother at the end of the video, who threw away his CD's felt.  Brothers...Sisters I urge you to make the Right Choice.  CHOOSE ALLAH!

Saturday, 28 April 2012

The standing point

My Standing point

One important part to my Hijrah was the standing point. It is a point in your life when you make that decision.  That Huge decision that will change the course of the rest of your life.  For some people it is brought on by a Massive event.for others it is an accumulation of smaller points, for some people it is a process they cannot pin point.  It is different for different people below is an account of my standing point.

The time came where I was being led away to be held to account for my misgivings.  Not for the ones immediately performed but for a lifetime of ill intended deeds, actions and thoughts.  At that point I had considered all the continuous warnings I had been given in the period prior to this moment.  So blinded by the desires of this Duniya I was heedless.  How could I have not seen the clear Signs?  I considered All the possible outcomes of how I was afllicted.  Every step when that faint voice at the back of my mind was telling me to walk away, I ignored it, allowing the voice of my desires to over power it.  How everything came together and how the seemingly coincidental events progressed, it  still mystifies me today.  It was a well constructed plan from the best of all planners a mercy disguised as a calamity something I look back on and realise the power and might of Allah.  Something at the time, that was so heart breaking and distressful, but was a chance to start again.  Verily All praise be to Allah.
Although Everything is from Allah.  I still had to take the conscious decision, to take that step.  Allah had removed all the duniya for me and made it easy for me all praise be to him.  But I still had to push that button and submit and realise that he is the master and I am the slave.  This realisation and the re establishment of this relationship was so important.  It was in salah I realised with a slap in the face, how I had been wronging my soul.  I turned that switch at that moment.  It was a small act on my part and a massive act of mercy from allah to give me the tawfeeq to carry it through.  Remember the story of Musa when allah said "strike the sea with your staff"
(surah Ash Shura'ah 63-68)

(Please watch this recitation and try to absorb, it is moving)

Was it the staff that made the sea split? 


It was Allah the all powerful.  Allah split the sea but wanted Musa to do his part.  So it is up to us to do our part and then put our trust in Allah, surely he will never let us down.  This is the first step... that realisation.  The standing point.

So for those who have not come to this point yet it may be just reading the quran.  And really trying to internalise, it may be an event, it may be you want it soo much you wake up one fajr and it just happens.  Never give up.  Keep going.

Cry much and Make Dua


May his peace and blessings be on his slave and messneger Muhammed salallahu alayhi wa salllam the best of all creation.

thanks for reading

Jazakomullahu wa Khairan

Friday, 27 April 2012

Me to Myself - the Analysis of self

Me to Myself

This is a note from me to me in a different time and space.

I know you're there, I know your heart isn't dead.  BUT Your pulse is weak so engrossed and caught up in duniya you have forgotten your promise.  Remember what you promised Allah?  Remember the covenant you made?
(Surah al-A'raaf, 7:172-173).
Listen and read the surah here

I know you are there....
What are you chasing? why is it so important to buy that car? To go to that party? to get that job? to get that woman? what is so important? what are you chasing? Is it happiness? contentment? security? what is it? what fulfilment do you get from your life that is sooo important that you have forgotten your creator?

Break it down.  

You need to take a step back clear your mind and think about your life piece by piece, focus on the driving factors behind your life and your behaviour.
For instance, let’s think about your phone....phones get old, once you buy it, it will begin to depreciate and you will need to upgrade again after a while.  It is a continuous cycle of hoarding and piling up wealth and commodities.
BUT It isn’t the phone is it? You need to reflect and evaluate yourself.  Realign yourself.  And understand your inner conflict and how the evil of created things can play on those conflicts. 

So if it’s not the material stuff... is it the self recognition?  Is it the ego?  The need to be critical, to be significant.  The need to be loved.  Is that what it is? It is your ego and how you perceive other people perceive you. What about how you appear to your creator?

I know when you are alone and you think about the creation and ponder about the universe and the creator.   At that time those worldly things don’t really matter.  

But as soon as you come back into your life the social pressures, begin to mount and it drives you in a direction, which you maybe didn't want to go down in the first place.  You are a confusing place.  There are so many walls and paths.   You get lost in your own self.  You don't know what you want.  Constantly in conflict.  An Internal conflict not knowing what really drives you.  Like an addict looking for those short term Highs trying all different types of drugs,  That emotional, physical, social fix that will get you by.  That recognition from that peer, that parent, that girl.  It is the most satisfying thing in the world to be appreciated and recognised for what you have done and the massage to your ego feels sooooo have that recognition.  You have to keep up appearances and be known as the man.  The effect you have on others whatever it may be makes you feel significant and critical.

Well I am sorry to tell you my friend you are losing. 

You experience growth but in nothing with real substance.  What a pitiful price you are selling your life for.  You have been given this opportunity put on this earth as a Muslim, as a mercy from the most merciful and you choose to chase these things?  That really....when you think about it.... has no benefit in what’s to come.  Your ego and desires become who you obey.  Your desires to be lazy, watch tv, sleep and eat useless junk.  That is who you obey,  You think you believe in la illaha ilallah?  You could be of those cast into the hell fire as the munafiqeen who will say "where we not with you?"  Were we not muslims too??? 
(Surah hadeed, 14)

It’s a scary thing. 

"Has the time not come for the believers to be affected by Allah's reminder?"

How are you so sure that you will not be thrown into the fire!!!! Do you even think about the fire?
I didn’t think so, your mind and your heart is clouded by thoughts of this duniya.  You need to find out what the hell fire is.   
(al-Ahzab, 33: 64-65)

You find no real fulfilment but yet you output to the world on various physical, emotional and even social networking platforms that YOUR LIFE IS GREAT.  It is so good to be you.  

You need to wake up.

Whatever I say to you, you won’t take it until you’re ready. Your heedlessness could be your downfall.
Why don’t you pray? You say it is good... but you just can’t be bothered can you? You cant overcome that desire to sleep, waste time anything except praying on time,  you need to look at why that is.

you think it is hard to pray.

You can do one here and there try and make jummah. Who knows it may be the deed that saves you from the hell fire remember... that Allah’s mercy is unimaginable.

But not fulfilling your basic obligations is a big risk.... you think it is hard. Your heart is dominated by the shaytaan your heart is upside down you think good deeds are hard and bad deeds are easy.
You need to consider why that is?  Take some time to reassess your goals and your driving factors.  
You believe the Quran is the truth, you believe in Allah and the last day, the unseen, the messengers and angels, the life to come.  You Believe in this.

All be it in a weak non committed form you still have that belief.  


Now go back to the fundamentals of what you believe in and WHY you believe.  What is it that makes you believe?  Is it because your parents have a belief and that everyone else believes and it is just the way things are and it’s a convenient way of life?  
If that is it then no wonder you have no fulfilment and you chase these fake dreams because you have not really experienced the beautiful relationship between you and your creator and the peace that submission to him brings.  Just acknowledging him.  It takes a weight off your mind knowing that you are under his guardianship and he is testing you to reward you and give you the recognition you so desperately crave.

You need to strengthen your imaan it is weak and your soul is in jeopardy.  You need action believing in your heart is a good thing but if it is not strong enough you will never act upon it, it will never give you the satisfaction you crave.  Trust me, once you flee unto allah
(surah adh dhariyat 51:50)
 You will finally achieve the fulfilment and peace you need.  All other aspects of your life will start to align themselves.  All you have to do is take that one step.  If you repair your relationship with Allah, he will repair everything else [Imam ahmad]

REMEMBER MAKE DUA MAKE DUA MAKE DUA.  Ask your lord to keep you close to him


may peace and blessings be on his slave and messneger Muhammed   salallahu alayhi wa salllam the best of all creation.

thanks for reading

Jazakomullahu wa Khairan


Saturday, 21 April 2012

Take comfort in the words of the exalted. Verse 100 of this surah talks about those who emigrate for the cause of allah and their momentous reward. The Prophet (:pbuh:) said:

“The Muslim is the one who the Muslims feel safe from his tongue and his hand, and the
Muhaajir is the one who abandons that which Allaah has prohibited.”(Bukhari 10)

Sometimes we get really caught up in duniya and we forget how much mercy Allah has given us glory be to him.
All praise be to Allah.  And Peace and blessings be on his slave and messenger Muhammed  Sallahu Alayhi wa salum.