Saturday, 28 April 2012

The standing point

My Standing point

One important part to my Hijrah was the standing point. It is a point in your life when you make that decision.  That Huge decision that will change the course of the rest of your life.  For some people it is brought on by a Massive event.for others it is an accumulation of smaller points, for some people it is a process they cannot pin point.  It is different for different people below is an account of my standing point.

The time came where I was being led away to be held to account for my misgivings.  Not for the ones immediately performed but for a lifetime of ill intended deeds, actions and thoughts.  At that point I had considered all the continuous warnings I had been given in the period prior to this moment.  So blinded by the desires of this Duniya I was heedless.  How could I have not seen the clear Signs?  I considered All the possible outcomes of how I was afllicted.  Every step when that faint voice at the back of my mind was telling me to walk away, I ignored it, allowing the voice of my desires to over power it.  How everything came together and how the seemingly coincidental events progressed, it  still mystifies me today.  It was a well constructed plan from the best of all planners a mercy disguised as a calamity something I look back on and realise the power and might of Allah.  Something at the time, that was so heart breaking and distressful, but was a chance to start again.  Verily All praise be to Allah.
Although Everything is from Allah.  I still had to take the conscious decision, to take that step.  Allah had removed all the duniya for me and made it easy for me all praise be to him.  But I still had to push that button and submit and realise that he is the master and I am the slave.  This realisation and the re establishment of this relationship was so important.  It was in salah I realised with a slap in the face, how I had been wronging my soul.  I turned that switch at that moment.  It was a small act on my part and a massive act of mercy from allah to give me the tawfeeq to carry it through.  Remember the story of Musa when allah said "strike the sea with your staff"
(surah Ash Shura'ah 63-68)

(Please watch this recitation and try to absorb, it is moving)

Was it the staff that made the sea split? 


It was Allah the all powerful.  Allah split the sea but wanted Musa to do his part.  So it is up to us to do our part and then put our trust in Allah, surely he will never let us down.  This is the first step... that realisation.  The standing point.

So for those who have not come to this point yet it may be just reading the quran.  And really trying to internalise, it may be an event, it may be you want it soo much you wake up one fajr and it just happens.  Never give up.  Keep going.

Cry much and Make Dua


May his peace and blessings be on his slave and messneger Muhammed salallahu alayhi wa salllam the best of all creation.

thanks for reading

Jazakomullahu wa Khairan


  1. Definitely agree. Make the intention and that first step, and forces unfathomable will propel you :)

    1. For anything that I have wanted in life it has always been the case. The decision is everything the "why" then facilitates the "how".

      One day Prophet (saw) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah” (At-Tirmidhi).
