Saturday, 1 June 2013


In order to make a real hijrah of the heart you must first open it. When you see fellow human beings suffering, something must turn in your heart, if it doesn't it may be that your heart has grown too hard. Soften your heart...Ponder the Quran and the creation of Allah the exalted, look at the state of the world around you and read about how people your own age are suffering. Too often we do not put ourselves in other people's shoes, yes people are annoying, arrogant and downright rude, but when you see someone in real difficulty and really suffering your instinct should be, "how can I help?" because tomorrow it could be you or me. We Should think... that could be ME, that could be my MOTHER, that could have happened in my HOME. Tragedies are all around us, sometimes as muslims we concentrate on our rituals and forget about our character and forget how much mercy and kindness Islam brought to the harshest of lands. We should be the kindest and most compassionate of people yet sometimes we can be so harsh. Oh how I love my leader, my hero, my prophet mustafa muhammed salallahu alaihi wa sallam. When he came back to the lands where he and his followers where persecuted for 13 years, Murdered, tortured, boycotted and abused, after entering in the most humble of ways he addressed the conquered people and said:
"antum tullaqa"


He did not exert revenge, burn any houses or kill anyone. he said:


Allahu Akbar!

So Why don't we show that same spirit and help people even if they have wronged us. When Islam penetrates your heart it changes your interactions and relationships in every way. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
You cannot be a true Muslim until you are kind among yourselves…Kindness is not this that you sympathize with your companion, but kindness is this that you think all men deserving of it.” [Tibrani]

Surah Al Imran 159-186

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